Pouvez-vous m’aider svp !!!!

Réponse :
1. Jane buys beautiful clothes.
2. My parents don't speak English, sorry!
3. Her sister phones every day.
4. I am very good at German; I understand it quite well.
5. I am not good at Spanish; I don't understand it at all.
6. Does she understand Italian?
7. They have a car, they don't take the bus.
8. He has a funny dog. His name is Sugar; he plays with him all the time.
9. He's very big! He eats a lot!
10. Do you know Mr Smith?
Présent simple
Forme affirmative : Sujet + base verbale ( infinitif sans "to" )
Attention "s" à la 3ème personne
Forme négative : Sujet + don't + base verbale
Attention "doesn't à la 3ème personne
Forme interrogative :
Do + sujet + base verbale ... ?
Attention : Does + he / she / it + base verbale ...?