Bonjours , est ce que quelqu'un pourrait m aider à faire des exercices 21 et 22 ?
Merci d avance !

EXO 21
1- I know Paris very well. I used to work there.
2- This business man used to fly
to the States every month before he retired.
3- This old man didn't use to walk with a cane when he was younger.
4- What did you use to do for Halloween when you were a child?
5- Before cars were invented people used to travel less.
EXO 22
1- Broadway used to be an Indian trail before it became a busy avenue.
2- The lower East Side was the district where many Jewish immigrants used to settle.
3- Immigrants used to Land on Ellis Island before it became a museum.
4- For a few years, between 1875 and 1790, New York used to be the capital if the US.
5- The Twin Towers used to stand in Lower Manhattan.
Bonne journée