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Unit 4
The Adventures of the Blue
The Blue Carbuncle, a precious stone, was stolen from the Countess of Morcar's dressing room at the Hotel
Cosmopolitan on December 22 between 9 and 10 p.m. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson have found it but
they don't know who the culprit is, yet.
Mrs. Oakshott
60, blue eyes, grey bair, tall, fine nose.
She works in the Hostel Cosmopolitan kitchen.
She was cooking in the kitchen when the robbery took place.
She lives alone.
She likes jewels.
James Ryder
30, thin, green eyes, black hair.
He is the manager of the Hostel Cosmopolitan.
- He was at the Adler Dress Shop at 9.15 a.m.
→ He wasn't in the hotel from 9.15 to 10 a.m.
He needs money.
John Horner
26, quite tall, dark hair.
He is a plumber at the Hostel Cosmopolitan.
He was fixing the bathtub
He was in the room next to the Countess's dressing room at the time of the theft.
The butler of the countess heard the noise of the works from 8.45 to 10.30 am.
He is a very honest man.
1. Complete the grid below.
2. Guess who the two main suspects are.
Suspect's name
Are there witnesses?
Possible reason that
pushed the suspect to
commit the robbery
3. Write the questions you would ask to the suspects. Use the following interrogative pronouns.

en vous remerciant d'avance ​

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