Bonjour je suis en troisième et j'ai un devoir d'anglais trop dur.
Je n'arrive pas pouvez vous m'aider à le faire svp.
Tell about a nightmare at sea
il doit se dérouler en mer, il peut être inventé
il doit être au passé et je dois être le narrateur
20 lignes minimum et doit commencer par "I dreamt that" et finir par "...and then i woke up."
Le prof veux qu'on est beaucoup d'imaginations il note surtout sur sa et l'orthographe.

Sagot :

Réponse :

I dreamt that i was having a great day with my family, swimming in the sea, having fun and enjoying the sun. Me and my sister decided to go explore the depths of the ocean and even tho my mother warned us no to go too deep, we didn't really listen. We swam until we couldn't breathe properly, we were now swimming in the middle of nowhere with no land in sight. It was a strange feeling, we didn't swim for long however we went so deep the water was almost black. I started feeling anxious because of how deep the ocean was just below my sister and I's feet. When suddenly, ;y sister started yelling and i couldn't understand at first the reason of her panic until i saw a bunch of sharks swimming around us. Everyone always says to keep calm whenever you're around sharks and they won't attack you, but it's not that easy when you are one the verge of death. I started sweating and panicking because the dream felt too real. The sharks just got closer and closer and we were now at a two inch distance from them. I saw my sister disappear into the ocean and at that moment, i knew she was gone, i felt something sharp grab my arm for below and i was so sure it was the sharks teeth. I look to my left and see an unknown  creature, something i've never seen before and describing it would be hard, it was a beautiful girl, long hair and blue eyes, but the other half of her body looked like a fish. I gasped in my sleep when i realized i was looking at a mermaid. Mermaids were real after all. She grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the sharks. Thanks to the kids shows i used to watch, i was convinced she just saved my life, little did i know, she was about to torture me more than i have ever imagined. She brought me to a place full of other creatures just like her. They all looked at me with lust in their eyes while i was trying to breathe since she brought me underwater. I was getting so worried about my sister's mysterious disappearance but i had no time to think about that when they all grabbed me, started a fire and put me on top like a grill. I felt my skin burning and started screaming for help as water went into my lungs. I stopped breathing for a moment and that's when it suddenly happened, I woke up.

Explications :