Bonsoir j’aurais besoin d’aide au plus vite s’il vous plaît ;)!

Bonsoir Jaurais Besoin Daide Au Plus Vite Sil Vous Plaît class=

Sagot :



Prétérit (ça ne peut être qu'à la voix passive > be au prétérit + participe passé (

d- This house was constructed in 1903.

e- My wallet was stolen last Monday.

d- Julia and Tim were asked to give a speach.


Have + p.p > present perfect (toujours voix passive : devient p. Perfect progressif : have + been + p.passé)

g- The new books have been ordered this morning.

h- The holidays have been booked by a travel agent.

i- The thief has been caught by the police.

h- Have you been paid by the customer?


Bonne fin de soirée