Bonjour, pouvez vous m’aider svp ?

• Maintenant retrouve les questions qui correspondent aux réponses données ci-dessous.

1/ I spend two hours running every day.

2/ I always go to the park.

3/ I can run 25 km.

4/ I started running when I was 15.

5/ I run with some friends.

6/ I usually train twice a week.

7/ I train a lot to get better.

8/ I'll run a marathon next year. ('11 = will)

9/ It costs 200 pounds to enroll.

10/ You need a good pair of sneakers!

11/ I started running because I wanted to lose weight.

12/ I'll go to London by train ('ll = will)

13/ The competition starts at 9 in the morning

14/ There are about 50.000 contestants.

|| merci d’avance :)

Sagot :

Réponse :

1) How many hours do you spend in running every day?

2) How often do you go to the park?

3) How many kilometers can you run?

4) How old were you when you started running?

5) Who do you run with?

6) How often do you train?

7) Why do you train?

8) When will you run a marathon?

9) How much does it cost to enroll?

10) What do I need?

11) Why did you start running?

12) How will you go to London?

13) When does the competition start?

14) How many contestants are there?

Voilà tout :)

Pour répondre à ta question:
1/how much hours do you spend running every day?
2/when do you go to the park?
3/how much kilometers can you run?
4/when did you start running?
5/ Who runs with you?
6/how much do you train a week?
7/What do you do get better?
8/what will you do next year?
9/how much does it cost to enroll?(je ne suis pas vraiment sûre de cette réponse)
10/what do i need?
11/why did you start running?
12/how will you go to London?
13/when does the competition start?
14/how many contestants are there?

J’espère que ma réponse te sera utile