Pouvez vous me dire si j’ai eu juste au exercice parce que j’ai pas trop compris est si c’est pas juste me corriger merci

a priori Q1 pas compris
il faut déjà compléter la liste de verbes au preterit
keep => kept
can => could
le reste est juste - on ne voit pas celui de gauche par contre
et ensuite il faut compléter le texte avec ces verbes
she was born - ok
who lived - ok
c = ?
d = wrote a blog
e = she took the bus (elle a pris le bus)
f = could recover
g = kept
h = she won
Réponse :
win => won
keep => kept
be => was / were
live => lived
close => closed
take => took
can => could
write => wrote
She (a) was born
a Pakistani activist for female education who (b) lived in Mingora
some school (c) closed and some were destroyed
Malala (d) wrote a blog
the girl (e) took the bus to go to school
Luckily she (f) could recover from the attack
She then (g) kept on fighting
Malala (h) won the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize
Ex 2. Tes réponses sont correctes ( on ne voit pas la fin de la e ))
e) She was 17 when she won the Nobel Prize
Ex. 3 Prizes ( Prix récompenses ) tu as mis son âge....