Sagot :
Réponse :
b) We're not going on holiday this year, because we are short of money
We're not going on holiday this year, because we can't afford it.
( on ne peut pas se l'offrir / se le permettre )
c) Don't worry, next week I'll give you the money you lent me.
Don't worry, next week I'll pay you back.
( je te rembourserai )
d) We decided to put money aside so we could buy a small boat.
We decided to save up so we could buy a small boat.
( économiser / mettre de l'argent de côté )
c) I dont want to end up owing a lot of money to the bank.
I dont want to end up in debt to the bank.
( en dette / endetté )
e) What exactly is the amount of your earnings every year?
What exactly is your annual income?
( revenu annuel )
g) I bought my CD-player when the prices were reduced.
I bought my CD-player on sale
( en solde )
h) Mary used to have a lot of money, but she wasted most of it.
Mary used to be well-off, but she wasted most of it.
( être à l'aise ( financièrement ) )