Bonjour, je suis en 5ème, pouvez vous m'aider ,je dois faire un texte en anglais sur un film aux choix et donné son opinion ,voir fiche barème svp merci

Réponse :
This film is a comedy, an horror movie. Realeased on November 25 2009 by the producer ruben it was shot between Atlanta and Tenessee in the United States. This film is funny, gore, captivating, it's a very good film. A basic story turned comical and endearing about a world infested by zombies. Two men are trying to survive: Columbus, the younger one, is terrified of being eaten. He's a coward, but his caution may well save his life... Tallahassee, on the other hand, is a zombie hunter who no longer fears anything or anyone. Armed with an assault gun, he gives himself completely to the only mission that matters to him:
To find the last remaining copies of his favourite biscuits, Twinkies, still available on Earth.
In their journey, the two survivors are joined by Wichita and Little Rock, two young girls. They all now face two impossible challenges: facing the zombies and learning to get along.
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