Bonjour je suis en 4ème et je dois faire un texte en anglais pour sujet :

Avec des amis et des parent vous avez participé à un évènement caritatif. Explique ce que vous avez fait et ce que les parents ont fait de leur côté. Précise le but de vos actions et dresse un bilan des effets de ces actions.
10 lignes minimum.

Pouvez-vous m'aider svp !

Sagot :

We spent our free time doing charity work and we totally loved it !
With our parent’s help we organized a concert and we donated the money to a foster home.
First we posted our idea on social media,people liked it and the post had a lot of views and comments! A pretty famous singer in our area decided to help us, we also baked cookies and bought drinks for spectators, the tickets weren’t expensive, the food was free and they liked the concert,apart from tickets some people donated money to help the children in need, we then went to the foster home and met some amazing kids, they were happy to receive the presents we bought for them!!