
J'ai besoin de votre aide svp pour ce devoir d'expression écrite.
Thanks ;)

Bonsoir Jai Besoin De Votre Aide Svp Pour Ce Devoir Dexpression Écrite Thanks class=

Sagot :


Réponse :


Ce devoir te demande de dire comment on pourrait utiliser le science pour le changement de climat, pas vrai?

You're asking us how we could use science to show climate change out? To be honest, I'm not sure you should be asking us. We're not scientists, after all. But I do have some ideas on how to weaken it a bit.

First, we all know what causes pollution. Primarily, it's the chemicals that come out of companies. It seeps into the air, the lakes, therefore also poisoning the plants. What we can do to prevent this is to use more environmentally friendly ways of mass producing products. For example, since many companies use fossil fuels to fuel their factories. We could replace their source of energy with, for example, hydroelectricity. That would save us from depleting the earth's resources, and possibly drastically reduce the amount of pollution being spread everywhere. The only problem would be the cost, that most companies don't want to pay. And that's where the scientists come in.

Hydroelectricity, solar power, all renewable sources of energy are all volatile, and quite costly. For example, solar power is quite expensive, installing the solar panels and all. And there's no guarantee that it'll work everyday. Not everyday is sunny with clear skies. On days that there are only clouds in the sky, it won't collect energy. Only hydroelectricity isn't as volatile, because no matter what, if you place the water turbines at the base of a waterfall, it will keep turning, day after day. But still, it is quite costly, installing all the turbines and the machines that convert the raw energy to usable electricity.

What I propose (for this problem) is that scientists try to find an easier way to produce energy by working with engineers and technicians, that does not pollute the air (like nuclear energy, or fossil fuels) and is renewable (like geothermal energy), but is cost-effective. Something that does not require many machines to collect.

Voila, j'espere avoir aide!

Explications :