Complétez les phrases par le mot interrogatif qui convient.
is your best friend? Is it Tom?
do you often go with him?
films are on at the cinema this week?
film do you want to see?
do you want to see that one?
do you want to go and see it? - On Saturday afternoon.
happened yesterday during the maths lesson?
Après avoir lu Keep in mind, indiquez par une flèche si le ton de la question monte ou
descend, puis répondez par une réponse brève ou avec les éléments entre parenthèses.
Do you like school? ? Yes I do ou No, I don't.
a. Whose car is parked on the pavement*?
(my mother's)
0. Do Mrs Clark's sons often go to the cinema?
- No,

Sagot :

Réponse :

Exercise n°1:

1. Who is he?

2. How often do you go with him?

3. Which films are on at the cinema this week?

4. Which film do you want to see?

5. When do you want to go and see it?

6. What happened yesterday during the maths lesson?

Exercise n°2:

a. My mother's car is parked on the pavement. (falling ---> ton descendant)

b. No,he doesn't. (rising ---> ton montant)