Bonsoir aidez-moi svp

EXO 3 would, should ou could
a- If I was allowed to see the president you would take me to the White House.
b- If I was the president, I would travel on the flying Oval Office !
c- You should speak politely to the president.
d- You should listen to his counsel.
e- I could (couldn't) go on Air Force One if I wasn't allowed.
la dernière phrase est bizarre... je pourrais voler sur AFO si je n'avais pas la permission.....???? pour moi il manque "even" if I wasn't allowed .. ou alors mettre could à la forme négative ....
a- You should be polite.
b- You shouldn't be too casual.ou couldn't ("tu ne devrais pas" ou "tu ne pourrais" pas être trop décontracté)
c- You would take care not to upset the secret service.
d- You could ask him to fly on Air Force One.
e- You would tell him to help preserve the planet.
Bonne fin de soirée ☺☺☺