a- Andrew and you met at the begining of the scool year ? So it was six months ago.
b- My best friend came back from holiday a week ago. (ou four days ago)
c- The last time it snowed, was a month ago. (il n'y a pas d'indication de temps.. tu mets comme tu veux)
d- Barack Obama became the first African American president of the United States twelve years ago.
e- The Great Exhibition took place in 1851, almost two hundred years ago. (exactement a hundred and seventy years, mais comme il y a "almost", j'ai préféré mettre "presque 200 ans"
tu as compris le principe : tu calcules combien de temps s'est écoulé pour pouvoir mettre "ago" . ►one week ago = il y a une semaine.....
AGO est toujours accompagné du prétérit
a- Sir Conan Doyle was a Scottish doctor and writer who was famous for his detective stories about Sherlock Holmes which continue to fascinate readers today.
si tu mets "who" , on se référera à "Sherlock Holmes", si tu mets "which", alors on se réfère à "detective stories" ce qui va avec le reste de la phrase : "continue to fascinate readers" donc les lecteurs. Si ta prof te compte faux, tu pourras argumenter.
b- Sherlock Holmes first appeared in A Study in Scarlet which was published in 1887.
c- In A Study in Scarlet Sherlock Holmes meets Dr Watson who is home from war in Afghanistan.
d- In The Final Problem, Sherlock Holmes comes face to face with Moryarty who is his arch-enemy.
e- Sir Conan Doyle wrote 56 short stories and four novels about Sherlock Holmes, including The Hounds of Baskerville which is his most famous novel.
Who = qui, que pour une personne ou un animal domestique ( a pet)
which = qui, que, pour une chose ou un animal non domestique.
La 1ère phrase peut prêter à confusion. Mais je pense que "which" est préférable .. Je t'en ai donné la raison
Bonne fin de journée ☺☺☺