1. My sister played in the garden
2. I visited my grandparents
3. She never worked at the weekend.
4. Your brothers didn’t like eating cabbage when they were kids. But they liked eating carrots
5. I watched cartoons when I stayed at my grandmother’s
1/ Why did you wash the car yesterday?
2/ We asked the teacher
3/ The neighbour painted the kitchen
4/ He was so nice to me! He helped me move and carried my boxes.
5/ Why didn’t they listen to the teacher?
( Pourquoi n'ont-ils pas écouté le professeur )
6/ Those children obeyed their parents.
7/ I phoned my friend every day when she was in hospital.
8/ The shopkeeper wrapped the present
9/ My grandmother walked her dog every evening
10/ I cleaned the house before Christmas.
11/ He always cooked fish on Fridays.
==> attention à la place de l'adverbe de fréquence
( Il cuisinait toujours du poisson le vendredi. )
12/ When did your best friend arrive at the party?
- They arrived at 9 p.m
- Did they enjoy themselves ? Was it nice?
- Yes, they enjoyed a lot. It was very nice.
13/ We emptied the boxes and tidied the room.
14/ The teacher didn’t correct the tests.
15/ When did your mother collect all those stamps?
Explications :
Forme affirmative : verbes réguliers ==> Base verbale-ed
verbes irréguliers ==> A apprendre
Forme négative: ( verbes réguliers et irréguliers )
sujet + didn't + base verbale
Forme interrogative : ( verbes réguliers et irréguliers )
( mot interrogatif ) + Did + sujet + base verbale .....?
( attention question négative : voir phrase 5 )
BE = cas particulier ( c'est un verbe auxiliaire )
Forme affirmative : sujet + was / were ....
Forme négative : sujet + wasn't / weren't ....
Forme interrogative Was / Were + sujet ...