bonjour tout le monde j'espère vous allez bien j'aurais besoin d'aide svppp je dois rendre ce dm pour rattraper ma moyenne demain svp aider moi

Réponse :
lion and cat (dans la case animal écrit lion et cat )
pour lion:
what it look like : like a cat but really big with a lot of hair aroud his face
where it lives : they live in afriqua
how it can injure people: by biting them or eat them
what people must do of they have been attacked : they must act like dead or to run away with a car .
fun fact : when they are baby because they are innocent .
how many people it has killed in the past 50 years : maybe two hundred people
pour cat :
how it look like : it look like a lion but small and cute and nice to people
where it lives ; every where in the street or ine peoples home
how can it injure people ; by biting them or scratch them but it does not hurt or kill
what people must do if they gat attacked ; go away and make them feel thet we are not scared
fun fact ; when they play
how many people it has killed past 50 years ; 0 people
Explications :
tu doit choisir 2 animaux puis répondre au question .