Sagot :
In 1863, a campaign was launched against the Indians by the American settlers, because they wanted more land
The Navajo tried to hide, but were hunted, and imprisoned !
Their cattle and sheep were slaughtered, corn burnt, their people were attacked and imprisoned !
They were forced to walk away with their families, and abandon their hogans.
Without their land, they became desperate and poor, and they had to face starvation and disease. Many of them died.
1,Relève des phrases à l’actif:
- "they wanted more land"
- "The Navajo tried to hide"
- "Without their land, they became desperate and poor, and they had to face
starvation and disease."
- "Many of them died."
2, une phrase au passif
- "They were forced to walk away with their families, and abandon their
3,décris la forme passive, note sa structure ici:
Elle est composée de
"be" au prétérit =were + participe passé du verbe "force" (= forced )
4, Qu’elle situation permet-Elle d’évoquer ?
Elle permet d'évoquer ce que les Indiens ont subi. Car, à la forme passive, le sujet subit l'action.