Bonjour pouvez vous m’aidez svp j’ai l’ex 4 à rendre merci !

In the morning, Rapunzel was brushing her hair when she heard a noise in the distance. So she looked out the window after she had put down her brush. It was a man on horseback.
All of a sudden, he saw Rapunzel and he thought that she was beautiful.
So after he had saved her and she had climbed down the tower, they disappeared into the woods together.
Explications :
Prétérit : temps du passé, action passée, terminée...
Past Perfect : temps du passé ( on l'utilise pour parler d'une action qui a eu lieu avant une autre dans le passé . On dit que c'est "du passé dans le passé" )
ex : So after he had saved her and she had climbed down the tower, they disappeared into the woods together.
il l'a sauvée
ils ont disparu dans les bois
==> Les deux actions sont passée mais il l'a sauvée avant qu'ils ne disparraissent.
"after" est aussi indice.
Réponse :
In the morning,Rapunzel was brushing her hair when she heard a noise in the distance. So she looked out the window after she put down her brush.
It was a man on horseback. All of a sudden, he saw Rapunzel and he thought that she was beautiful. So after he saved her and she climbed down the tower, they disappeared into the wood together.
Explications :