Bonjour, j'ai écrit mon texte pour ma tâche finale en anglais. Pouvez voir si il y a des fautes et me corriger s'il vous plaît ?

In my city of the future, there would be a lot more vegetation compared to today. The architecture would not change, we would add greenery to the walls of homes, trade etc. And gardens, vegetable garden, greenhouse on the roof of buildings where they could be accessed with the stairs or by the assistant. Outside there would be a lot more park. The pedestrian path would no longer be asphalt, it would be replaced by grass or earth, only the roads would remain asphalt.
The transports would be electric or would use natural gaz. Televisions would be installed on buildings where they would broadcast the news, the weather forecast and advertisements. School would do it at home but the children would have to go to the day center twice a week to meet other children of their age.
The advantages of this city are that it is centered on nature, so it is better for the environment.​

Sagot :


In my city of the future, there would be a lot more vegetation than today. The architecture would not change, we would add greenery to the walls of houses, businesses etc. And gardens, vegetable patch, greenhouse on the roof of buildings where they could be accessed by the stairs or by the assistant. Outside there would be a lot more park. The footpath would no longer be asphalted, it would be replaced by grass or earth, only the roads would remain asphalted.

Transportation would be electric or would use natural gas. Televisions would be installed in buildings where they broadcast news, weather forecasts and advertisements. The school would do this at home, but the children had to go to the day center twice a week to meet other children their age.

The advantages of this city are that it is centered on nature, so it is better for the environment.