Bonjour j'aurais vraiment besoin d'aide poir cette exercice d'anglais
Je vous remercie d'avance !!

Conjuguez au past perfect, puis traduisez.
1) She / call / her father / by the time we got home.
2) You / never / be / to Australia before this trip, had
3) We / not / finish / when they arrived.
4) On Monday, he paid us a visit. Before that / he /
visit / his other grandparents.
5) They sold their house. But before that, they / sell
| all their furniture /?​

Sagot :



1. She had called her father by the time we got home. / elle avait appelé son père quand nous sommes rentrés à la maison

2. You had never been to australia before this trip ,had you? / vous n'étiez jamais allé en australie avant ce voyage. Pas vrai

3. We hadn't finish when they arrived / nous n'avions pas fini quand ils sont arrivés

4. On Monday, he had paid us a visit. Before that he had visited his other grandparents / lundi, il nous avait rendu visite. Avant cela, il avait rendu visite à ses autres grands-parents

5. They had sell their house. But before that they had sell all their furniture / ils avaient vendu leur maison. Mais avant cela, ils avaient vendu tous leurs meubles