bonjour, s'il vous plaît aider moi pour ce sujet : write a small letter you talking problem with your friends,and you want to tell about this problem to someone else to help you​

Sagot :



Dear, Mom

Yesterday with (le nom de ton ami/e) we broke dad's computer accidentally, when he found out about it he was mad because in his computer there was all his work. We felt really guilty, so we told him the truth that it was us, we apologized at least 20 times. We were really really sorry but he didn't want to listen to us so he punished me and I'm not allowed to see my friend anymore outside of class and deprived of phone, deprived of going out for 2 months. Would you please talk with him please make him understand that we are really sorry.

(ton prénom)


Tu as cassé accidentellement l'ordinateur de ton père où il y avait ton son travail très important, tu demande de l'aide a ta mère car ils sont divorcé et que tu vis chez ton père + tu ne peux pas envoyer de message a ta mère car tu es privé de téléphone