Aidez-moi s'il-vous-plaît

1) Your aunts name is it horner ?
No it's not
2)Ms peabody is it married ?
Yes she is married.
3)Is There an orange in Your bag ?
no there is not
4)her middle name is it clark ?
yes it is
5)are these your pen and pencils ?
yes There are
6) are you tired ?
yes i am
7)is it linda in the kitchen ?
no she is not
8)fluffy is it a great dog ?
no he is not
9)Your exercice book is in Your bag ?
yes its in the bag
10)tim and kim are they at school ?
no there not
en gros il fallait juste un peu inverser la phrase pour quelle devienne interrogative et il fallait répondre à la question formule par une phrase simple. voilaa