Sagot :

Bonjour !

Conjugue les verbes au simple past (prétérit)

1. William visited his grandparents last weekend.

2. Jane arrived an hour ago.

3. We went to Bob's birthday party yesterday.

4. I was on holiday last week.

5. She wrote a letter.

Transforme les phrases affirmatives en phrases négatives au simple past

1. I phoned Lucy last night => I didn't phone Lucy last night.

2. You tidied up your room. => You didn't tidy up your room.

3. Olivia became an actress => Olivia didn't become an actress.

4. We found the treasure => We didn't find the treasure.

5. He spoke Spanish => He didn't speak Spanish.

Pose des questions au simple past.

1. Did you dance at the party last night ?

2. Did she do her homework ?

3. Did Robert work at the post office ?

4. Did they help you with the washing-up ?

5. When did I say ?

J'espère t'avoir aidé. Bon courage !

Réponse :

Exercice 1: onjugue les verbes au simple past prétérit

1. William visited his grandparents last weekend.

2. Jane arrived an hour ago.

3. We went to Bob's birthday party yesterday.

4. I was on holiday last week.  

5. She wrote a letter.

Exercice 2: transforme les phrases affirmatives en phrases négatives au simple past

1. I phoned Lucy last night = I didn't phone Lucy last night.

2. You tidied up your room. = You didn't tidy up your room

3. Olivia became an actress = Olivia didn't become an actress

4. We found the treasure = We didn't find the treasure.

5. He spoke Spanish = He didn't speak Spanish.

Exercice 3 :ose des questions au simple past.

1. Did you dance at the party last night

2. Did she do her homework ?

3. Did Robert work at the post office ?

4. Did they help you with the washing-up ?

5. When did I say ?

voila tout

Explications :