Bonjour Tout le monde, pourriez-vous m'aider svp pour cette exercice en Anglais, S'ILS-VOUS PLAIT je n'y arrive vraiment pas je suis bloqué.
Voici la consigne:
Promote Transport You are an advertising copywriter in charge of promoting new forms of transport in London. Create a new leaflet for the campaign. (150 words)

First, brainstorm what information the leaflet will present and organize
• ➜ Draw a mind map (who / where / when…).
• ➜ Think of arguments to persuade readers to use these means of
• ➜ Imagine ways to make your leaflet eye-catching (illustrations,

Write your leaflet.
• ➜ Describe the new forms of transport that exist or the projects
planned for the future.
• ➜ Explain why they are important for London.
• ➜ Make sure your leaflet is attractive for the reader.
• ➜ You can use an online tool for a professional touch.
• Think eco-friendly (people who are paying attention to nature)
• Who is your target ? (young adults, teens, elderly people, families,
single people’s safety etc)

Merci infiniment de votre réponse:)) Joyeux Noel et Bonne Année 2021.

Sagot :

We want to create more for London. We want to give more to London. With our new public transport, you will: save time, money and you will reduce CO2 emissions. What more could you ask for? With our motor trains using water recycling, London innovates an easy means of transport which allows the transport of each person. With specialized accommodation for the disabled and the elderly, London allows the right to transport to all. For the children, we have set up functional tablets with solar energy which allows them to be distracted during long journeys. Safety is also a priority in our trains with detection systems to prevent sudden closing of doors. On top of that, our seats are made of eco-responsible fibers. London is an influential city with more than 8.982 million inhabitants. Let's start with eco-responsibility in big cities, showing by example! support us by purchasing a subscription ! (Pour les illustration je ne sais pas si tu es fort en dessin mais tu pourrais représenter le train et montrer son fonctionnement avec des flèches et un récipient a eau, tu peux dessiner les tablettes pour enfants, les systèmes de détections mais si tu n’est pas fort en dessin tu peux tout simplement représenter le logo du recyclage ♻️ et puis tu peux choisir une belle police d’écriture lisible, j’espère t’avoir aider, à toi de jouer !) (si tu as des questions n’hésite pas)