quelqun pourrai m'aider pour ces exercices s'il vous plaît ?

Pour exprimer ce qui .......................................
on utilise le conditionnel.
Sujet + would + Base Verbale
forme contractée : 'd
1- If I were Mexican, I would try to go to the USA. (I'd try)
2-If Juan won the lottery, he wouldn't need to cross the boarder. (He wouldn't)
3- Rosa would have an health insurance if she wasn't undocumented. (Rosa 'd have)
4- Carlos wouldn't be scared if he didn't own money to his smugglers.
5- If immigration laws didn't exist it would be less risky for Mexicans to go to the US.
a- If people were more conscious, they would act differently.
b- The Earth would be much better if people behaved better.
Ce sont deux exemples, désolé, pas trop d'imagination, mais, maintenant tu comprends comment faire, trouve 2 phrases à toi .............
bonne journée ☺☺☺