bonjour aider moi svp merci d'avance
EXERCISE on CAN - Complete the sentences below (choose 2 different methods each time):
1- My dog _____________ (to go) in my house.

2- Sam's 90 year old grandfather ______________(to play) really excellent tennis when he was younger.

3- We _______________________(to come) to school if we have our masks.

4- We ___________________(to go) to Paris for Christmas!

5- I'm taking a lot of lessons right now and I ________________(to swim) next year.

Sagot :

Réponse :

1) My dog can going in my house

2) Sam's 90 years old grandfather playing really excellet tennis when he was younger

3) We coming to school if we have our masks

4) We going to Paris for christmas

5) I'm taking a lot of lessons rignht now and i swimming next year

Explications :

Il faut que tu utilises la règle du : Be + ing ( ing a la fin du verbe donné)

et celle du : can et can't : Pour parler de ce que l'on sait faire ou pas, on utilise l'auxiliaire can ou can't suivi d'une base verbale

I can sing but I can't dance.

Can you play the guitar ?

J'espere juste ne pas m'etre trompée parce que je n'ai pas encore fait cet exercice en cours et je t'ai repondu a l'aide de mes connaissances( au pire tu verras avec ton/ta prof.  a plus :)