Réponse :
(Je le mets en anglais)
It's a drawing called "Social Media", by John Atkinson. It was made in (il faut que tu trouve la date elle n'est pas sur la photo). It's from wronghands1.wordpress.com.
This drawing shows some applications that people can have in their phone. Every application has a sentence about the theme of the application. For example : YouTube is a social media where you watch videos, and the app "says" "watch me".
1) Je t'avoue je sais pas
2) Chaque phrase annonce en quoi l'application consiste. Certaines applications ont des messages particuliers, comme twitter dont le message est "listen to me" (écoute-moi).(Each sentence says what is the app for. Some of the apps have particular messages, as twitter "listen to me")
3) Le message est que sur chaque application il y a différents types de personnes (On each application, there is differents types of people)
Explications :