do you believe art can make a différence about an issue

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do you believe art can make a différence about an issue =

Pensez-vous que l'art peut faire une différence sur un problème

Explications :

Art is above all aesthetic, the artist contemplates the world and in turn creates one. Can it have an action on reality, regulate relations between men, as political action would? The general approach of the artistic avant-gardes at the turn of the 20th century is part of a political project, linked to the society that is contemporary to them. These artistic movements want to move forward, to break with the past in order to be able to project a fresh look at the future. Originally, the vanguard was a military term for a group of soldiers on the front line, who took a risk for the main body. It takes a certain courage to break away from dogmas, codes, institutions that perpetuate classic and outdated ideas about art. The avant-garde then put all their fervor at the service of a revolutionary project affecting art, but also the world in which they live

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