Pouvez-vous m’aider s’il vous plaît je n’y arrive vraiment pas merci : Posez la question dont la réponse est l’élément qui est repris.

1/ sam lives in Gap
Gap : question:
2/Sam lives in Gap
Sam: question :
3/Sam drove to Madrid last year
Sam question :
4/Sam drove to Madrid last year
Drove question :
S/Sam drove to Madrid last year
Madrid: question:
6/Sam drove to Madrid last year
Last year: question:
7/Cindy will fly to Rome during the summer holidays
Cindy question :
B/Cindy will fly to Rome during the summer holidays
Fly question :
9/Cindy will fly to Rome during the summer holidays
During the summer holidays: question :
10/Tom has never had any chocolate cake
Tom: question :
T1/Tom has never had any chocolate cake
Chocolate cake: question:
12/Peter earns £2000 a month
E2000 question :
13/Jack goes to London twice a year
Twice a year: question :
14/Tim is extremely clever
Extremely question:
15/The cinema is very close from home.
Very close : question
16/Jack and Jane are totally enthusiastic
Totally question:
Tane has 3 brothers
3 brothers : question:
18ane is playing tennis
Tennis: question:
19/This animal is absolutely gigantic
Cigantic: question:
20/The bird was eaten by the cat
The bird question:

Sagot :

Réponse :

1)Where does he live?

2)Who lives in Gap?

3)Who drove to Madrid last year?

4)Who did he do last year?

5)Where did he go last year?

6)When did he go to Madrid?

7)Who will fly to Rome during the summer holidays?

8)What will she do during the summer holidays?

9)When will she fly to Rome?

Explications :