bonjour quelqu'un pourrait me le traduire en anglais svp ?
pas de google traduction svp

Je vais vous raconter mon anecdote sur Scarlett Johansson et moi-même.
Je me rappelle c'était un jour d’hiver, il faisait très froid et sur un coup de tête je décide de téléphoner à mon ami et je l'embarque avec moi, on prend des billets de train, direction Londres. Je ne savais pas encore dans quoi je m'étais aventurée mais je ne réfléchissais pas et partis directement. Je voulais du changement, du pétillant dans ma vie ennuyante et si calme ! Nous étions partis pour trois jours, on a fait toute sorte de boutique, j’ai goûté aux mars frits, qui par ailleurs sont délicieux. Le soleil se couchait et je décide donc de rentrer à l'hôtel, c'était notre dernier jour à Londre alors on a essayé de le profiter comme on pouvait, mais lors de notre retour à l'hôtel, j'aperçus au loin une silhouette fine et qui avait l’air d’avoir froid. Je m’approche vers elle, et à ma grande surprise et celle de mon amie c'était Scarlett Johansson, notre actrice favorite. Je n’arrivais plus à parler donc mon amie demande si elle voulait un chocolat chaud ou bien un thé, histoire de se réchauffer. Elle accepta. Plusieurs heures passèrent et nous passions notre temps à discuter, c’est comme si je l’avais toujours connu. Mais une question ne cessa de trotter dans ma tête, pourquoi était elle dehors tard le soir, sans personne, et pourquoi on avait l'impression qu’elle se cachait de quelque chose ou bien quelqu’un. Je lui posais directement la question, et sa réponse était plutôt compréhensible. Les médias avaient dit où se trouvait l’actrice, elle avait donc peur qu’une foule s’approche vers elle. Ensuite elle nous raccompagne dans sa limousine blanche. En me réveillant je n'arrêtais pas de penser à cette rencontre inattendue !
L'après- midi même je rentrai chez moi. C'était le meilleur week-end de ma vie !

Sagot :

I’ll tell you my story about Scarlett Johansson and myself. I remember it was a winter day, it was very cold and on a whim I decided to call my friend and I took him with me, we took train tickets to London. I did not yet know what I had ventured into but I did not think and left directly. I wanted change, sparkling in my boring and quiet life! We were gone for three days, we made all kinds of shop, I tasted fried Mars, which are also delicious. The sun was setting and I decided to go back to the hotel, it was our last day in Londre so we tried to enjoy it as we could, but when we returned to the hotel, I saw a silhouette in the distance fine and cold as it seemed. I approached her, and to my surprise and that of my friend was Scarlett Johansson, our favorite actress. I couldn’t talk anymore so my friend asked if she wanted a hot chocolate or a tea to warm up. She accepted. Several hours passed and we spent our time talking, it is as if I had always known him.But one question kept running through my head, why was she out late at night, without anyone, and why it felt like she was hiding from something or someone. I asked him the question directly, and his answer was quite understandable. The media had told her where the actress was, so she was afraid a crowd would approach her. Then she took us back to her white limousine. When I woke up I kept thinking about this unexpected encounter! That very afternoon I went home. It was the best weekend of my life!

Réponse :

Im going to tell you my anecdote on Scarlett Johansson and myself. I remember it was a cold winter day and on a whim decide to call my friendand i take him with me, we take the train tickets in direction of london. I didn't know yet in what I was getting into but i wasn't thinking so I left directly. I wanted a change, some ecxitment in my life that was so calm and boring! We were gone for three days, we went to all kind of stores, I tasted some mars frits, that were actually delicious. The sun was setting so I decide to go back to the hotel, I notice a thin silhouette that looked cold from afar. I get closer to her and to my friend and I's suprise its Scarlett Johansson, our favorite actress. I couldn't speak so my friend asked if she wanted a hot chocolate or a tea to warm her up. She accepted . A couple hpurs go by and we were still talking, like if we had known her our whole lives. But a recuring question kept popping up in my head, why was she out so late by herself, it seemed like she was hiding something or someone. I asked her the question directly and her answer was rather understandable. The media had found where she was so she was scared a crowd would find her. Then she took us back in her white limousine. When I woke up couldn't stop thinking of this unexpected encounter. In the after noon I was back home, it was the best weekend of my life!