Bonjour, pourriez vous m'aider de faire cet exercice s'il vous plait et merci

EXO 5 possessive adjectives
1- My mom is Helen and my dad is Bob. I'm their son.
2- My parents are Mary and Dave. I am their daughter.
3- Her name is Betsy..... Our last name is Smith
4- Her name is Kim.Her mom is next to her. She is my grandma
EXO interrogative pronouns
1- Whose is that coat ?
2- What time do you catch the school bus ?
3- Why are you carrying an umbrella ?
4- Who is your boyfriend ?
5- Where were you born ?
6- Why is it so hot ?
7- Where are my trainers, mum ?
8- What do you want to do today ?
9- What is your dad doing at the moment ?
10- Who did you call last night ?
11- What do you usually have for breakfast ?
12- When are your friends coming ?
13- Whose shoes are you wearing now ?
14- When did she send you last email ?
15- Where do you often have lunch ?
16- Why is Sonia happy ?
Bonne soirée ☺☺☺