Bonjour quelqu’un peut m’aidez s’il vous plaît !

ATTENTION ..... à la forme interrogative, on utilise l'auxiliaire "do" mis au prétérit donc ► DID, mais le verbe retrouve sa Base Verbale .....
EXO write questions . past simple (did + sujet + BV)
1- Did you have a good time ?
2- What did you do last weekend ?
3-When did you start work ?
4- Did you make new friends ?
5- Where did you meet Sarah ?
6- How did he spend his holidays ?
7- Did they learn a new skill ?
8- Did you see my keys ?
EXO turn into negative sentences (sujet + did + not + BV)
1- I didn't forget my book.
2- We didn't arrived late.
3- They didn't get lost.
4- He didn't kill his dog.
5- She didn't leave school.
6- I didn't eat fish yesterday.
7- We didn't see the film.
8- He didn't steal the money.
9- He didn't read the book.
Bonne soirée ☺☺☺