salut j'aurais besoin d'aide pour mon devoir d'anglais svp
EXERCISE 1: Trouve l'adjectif correspondant au nom ou au verbe des mots en gras.
1. This TV star is acting like a friend to total strangers. = This tv star is very ......
2. It's easy to predict the ending of this episode. = The ending of the episode is ......
3. You become an addict to the series very quickly. = This series is ....
4. There is some paradox in this character. = This character is ....
5. The anti-hero is a real creep! = This anti-hero is really ......
EXERCISE 2: Complète les phrases suivantes avec l'élément qui convient:
1. Nothing happens in "Riverdale", it's so ..... , so ...... !
2. I couldn't stop laughing watching "The Big Bang Therory": it was really ......
3. "Days of our lives" makes some people cry, because people are in love! But I find it too ......
4. I had to watch all the episodes of "Stranger Things" in one night because the story was so ....... !