Pouvez vous m aid r svp pour l exercice 3 svp mzrcii d avance

a. Megan practise tennis everyday.
b.The Smith doesnt eat pizza on Mondays.
c.Mary don't wear a skirt at her school.
d.Are they wake up early on Saturdays?
e.Is Baby Alex going to the nursery school?
Réponse :
a. Megan practises tennis everyday.
b. The Smiths don't eat pizza on Mondays.
c. Mary doesn't wear a skirt after school.
d. Do they wake up early on Saturday?
e. Does baby Alex go to nursery school?
Explications :
Forme affirmative: ne pas oublier le "s" à la troisième personne du singulier
Forme négative: I/ you/ we/they + don't + verbe
he/she/it + doesn't + verbe
Forme interrogative: Do + I/you/we/they + verbe ... ?
Does + he/she/it + verbe ...?