Sagot :



1- The man did not drink coffee.

2- Miriam didn't study the lesson.

3- We didn't listen to the teacher.

4- Hector didn't paint two pictures.

5- Laura didn't get up early.

6- Leyla didn't ask three questions.

7- The waiter didn't serve us the food.

8- Betty didn't hate to go to school.

9- They didn't collect some old stamps.

10- Elias wasn't very rude.

11- I didn't knock on the door.

12- The cook didn't prepare some pasta.

Normalement on devrait dire "the Cook didn't prépare any pasta" AU lieu de "some" à la forme négative.

13- Thomas didn't sell his mobile phone.

14- The band didn't cancel the concert.


On emploie le prétérit de l' auxiliaire DO qui est DID

Sujet + did + not + Base Verbale

il faut bien connaître les verbes irréguliers pour garde leur Base Verbale.....

Attention !!!!!

BE est déjà un auxiliaire. Donc on ne se sert pas de DID..

Bonne journée ☺☺☺