Bonjour pouvez-vous m’aider à faire cette exercice

Mettez le verbe entre parenthèses soit au present perfect, soit au prétérit.
Choisissez le bon temps en fonction du contexte.
Attention à respecter la conjugaison du verbe en fonction du sujet.

We …………………….. to Plymouth last week. [to go]
Look! Someone ……………………………a window. [to break]
……………………………. you …………………… beer? My glass is empty! [to drink]
Nancy ………………………………. a white dress for her wedding. [to wear]
You look tired. What ……………….. you ……………………… [to do]
When I was young, I ……………………. life was wonderful. [to think]
I …………………………….. this novel. It’s very interesting. [to read]
The little boy is punished because he ………….…not…..…………… his lesson. [to learn]
In September 2001, two planes ………………..…………. in the World Trade Center. [to crash]
The supporters are furious because their favorite team………………………..…. [to lose]
I can’t go home. I ..................................... my keys [to lose]
When the war began, I ................................. to the USA. [to escape]
.................................. you ......................... this movie? Yes, it was great! [to see]
You look so rested! Yes, I ................................... some days off. [to take]
In 1981, Mittérand .................................... elected president. [to be]
Billy ....................................... his leg two weeks ago. [to break]
The streets seem wet because it ........................................... . [to rain]
I’m late. I ....................................... my bus. [to miss]
You should know this! I ................................... it to you yesterday! [to explain]
Last year, a tornado ........................................... the city of El Paso. [to destroy]

Sagot :



prérérit ► action passée terminée

present perfect ► action passée en lien avec le présent

je soulignerais ce qui indique mes choix entre les 2 quand c'est possible.

We went to Plimouth last week.

Look ! Someone has broken a window.

Have you drank my beer ? My glass is empty !

Nancy wore a white dress for her wedding. (aucune indication de temps)

You look tired. What have you done ?

When I was young I thought life was wonderful.

I am reading this  novel. It's very interesting.

The little boy is punished because he has not learned (learnt) his lesson.

In September 2001, two planes crashed in the World Trade Center.

The supporters are furious because their favourite team has lost.

I can't go home. I have lost my keys.

When the was began, I escaped from the USA.

* Have you seen this movie ? Yes, it was great !

You look so rested! Yes I have taken some days off.

In 1981 Mitterand was elected president.

Billy broke his leg two weeks ago.

**The streets seem wet because it has rained (it has been raining)

I'm late. I have missed my bus.

You should know this ! I explained it to you yesterday !

Last year, a tornado destroyed the city El Paso.

quelques incertitudes

* j'ai mis au present perfect parce que  l'autre personne répond et même si elle dit "it was great" elles parlent toutes les 2 au moment présent. Peut-être ton/ta prof dira qu'ils faut mettre au preterit parce qu'il y a emploi de ce temps dans 'it was great".. Tu pourras lui demander de t'expliquer

** it has rained  c'est du present perfect, mais il serait plus correct de dire "it has been raining" qui est du present perfect progressif. Mais ce n'est pas dans la consigne...

Bonne journée ☺☺☺