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Before introducing myself, I would like to thank you all for coming. Tonight, I will talk about the most important project in my life. I'm Mark Zuckerberg, the application Facebook's founder you certainly know.
The goal of my project will allow one day, a worldwide internet access in order to discuss with people remotely. More than 4 million people can't have an access to internet and can't follow the news around the world.
Do you believe in a life without internet, how would you react ? We all know internet make our lives easier because it make us discover about new cultures and exchange ideas with plenty of people.
Internet is an excellent communication device, he allows us to stay in contact with our friends and other people abroad, to speak with them and thanks to our social medias, sharing our memories and experiences.
That's why with my dear wife (j'arrive pas à lire son nom désolée) we decided to found an association to allow these 4 million people to finally have an internet access.