Bonjour vous peux vais m’aide ce pas le programme du lycée ce un erreur

a) was
b) was
c) were
d) was
e) was
f) was
g) je sais pas
h) was
i) was
j) were
k) was
l) was
Je pense que c'est ça mais je ne suis pas sûr, en espérant t'avoir aidé :)
Bonne journée
Réponse :
BE au passé
Forme affirmative : WAS (I- he -she it ) / WERE ( you-we-they )
Forme négative : WASN'T ( I-he-she-it )/ WEREN'T ( you-we-they )
Nelson Mandela was born in a small village in South Africa on 18th July 1918.
At that time, white people were very powerful and they weren't ready for
Nelson Mandela was a lawyer, then a political leader. It was important for him
to change South Africa. He was strong and courageous and wasn't afraid . In
June 1962 he was arrested by the police for his activities.
On 11th February 1990, he was free at last. His wife and children were so
happy. Four years later, in 19954, he was elected President of South Africa.
He was an amazing man.