Bonjour s’il vous plaît aider moi j’ai 2h pour le faire je dois rendre à 16h00

1. Répondez à seulement 1 des 2 questions à et b
Repondez aussi aux questions 2 et 3

A) Describe your favorite holiday or trip. Talk about the journey, hotel, what you did
and why you loved it so much....... (150 mots)
B. Write up a conversation between a client and a travel agent. The client is booking
a holiday...... (150 mots)

2. Traduisez en Anglais

A Le logement était construit il y a 2 ans
B Hier j'ai acheté deux billets d'avion pour Rome.
C Le guide de voyage était 15 Euros.
D Je voulais voyager dans un pays en voie de développement mais il y a deux
semaines il y avait un ouragon.

3 translate into French

A The fare was very expensive
B Domestic flights are cheaper than international flights
C Holidaymakers often buy accommodation when they are on holiday.
D. The crew of cruises often entertain the clients.

Sagot :

Réponse :


A) I had my best vacation in the south, the weather was wonderful, luckily the sea was right next to the apartment my parents rented because the temperatures are over 35 °.

My vacation went well, I enjoyed the best I could. , in the morning I slept in, then I went to the port to have breakfast, I looked at the boats, the fishermen.

The afternoons I usually spent at the beach, I got to know girls who live in the north. We swam together, tanned and sometimes I played volleys with them.

with my parents we took the boat to visit a port which is in the open sea, it was a former prison.

I had a room, it is not very big but comfortable for my taste.

The apartment has two bedrooms, a kitchen, a small living room, a large bathroom, there is even a balcony. From here we have a beautiful view of the sea.


A.The accommodation was built 2 years ago

B.Yesterday, I bought two plane tickets to Rome.

C.The travel guide was 15 euros.

D.I wanted to travel to a developing country but there are two

weeks there was a hurricane.


A.Le prix était très cher .

B.Les vols intérieurs sont moins chers que les vols internationaux .

C.Les vacanciers achètent souvent un logement pendant leurs vacances.

D.Les équipages de croisière divertissent souvent les clients.

voila je ne sais pas si je vous ai bien aidé mais bon :/

passez une bonne journée