S'il vous plaît, aidez moi !
N°2 et 3

Réponse :
There were once three brother, who WERE TRAVELING along a lonely,
winding road at twilight.
In time, the brothers REACHED ( /t/ ) a river too treacherous to pass.
But being learned in the magical arts, the three brothers simply WAVED ( /d/ )
their wands and MADE a bridge.
Before they COULD cross, however they FOUND their path blocked by a
hooded figure. It WAS Death, and he FELT cheated .
Cheated because travelers would normally drown in the river. But Death was
He PRETENDED ( /id/ ) to congratulate the three brothers on their magic, and
SAID that each had earned ( /d/ )a prize for having been clever enough to
evade him.
The oldest ASKED (/t/ ) for a wand more powerful than any in existence. So
Death fashioned (/d/) him one from an elder tree that stood nearby.
The second brother DECIDED ( /id/ ) he wanted (/id/ ) to humiliate Death even
further … , and ASKED ( /t/ ) for the power to recall loved ones from the
So Death plucked (/t/ )a stone from the river and OFFERED ( /d/ ) it to him.
Finally, Death TURNED ( /d/ ) to the third brother. A humble man, he ASKED
( /t/ ) for something that would allow him to go forth from that place without
being followed by Death.
And so it was that Death reluctantly handed ( /id/ ) over his own Cloak of
Invisibility …
En gras ( que tu dois souligner en rouge ) les verbes au prétérit réguliers
Soulignés ( que tu dois souligner en vert ) les verbes au prétérit irréguliers
Surligne en bleu les « ed » qui se prononcent /d/
Surligne en vert les « ed » qui se prononcent /t/
Surligne en rose les « ed » qui se prononcent /id/
Entraîne-toi à les prononcer
Explications :
- "were traveling" = prétérit en "be" + ing ( prétérit progressif )
- Certains verbes qui finissent en "ed" ne sont pas dans ce texte des prétérits mais des participes passés ( " learned" , " blocked " "hooded" ) il ne faut donc pas les souligner.
- "had earned" = past perfect