pouvez vous m'aider s'il vous plait merci

exercice 1 :
1) we don't want to go out.
2) good journalism costs a lot of money.
3) do mrs camm knows you're here?
4) a snail carries its house on its back.
5) do they like their new house?
6) of course, our baby cries a lot but it's ok.
exercice 2 :
1) we aren't driving in this rain.
2) is it snowing ?
3) look, the sun is shinning!
4) are you listening kids?
5) i'm complaining.
6) they are lying.
7) he is diging a hole for his bone.
8) she isn't writing an essay but a letter.
exercice 3 :
what this cat is doing here?
nothing, he isn't doing anything.
he is sleeping on your balcomy.
cats sleep a lot
yes, i know, cats sleep a lot and they eats a lot. everybody knows that
my question is why we have a cat in our house.
don't worry, he doesn't live here. he belongs to Granny.
she is staying with us today.
attention pour le dernier exo j'espère il n'a pas de fautes :)