Sagot :
On May 26, 2018 around 8 pm a crowd is formed in the 18th district of Paris because a child is suspended on the 4th floor of his building, 20 meters above the ground. His father had left the apartment to run errands, leaving the 4-year-old child alone. Mamadou Gassama was not far away, when he arrived at the place he climbed the floors one by one doing tractions and antipulsions in 30 seconds he reached the child's floor and managed to take the child into the apartment. The father was sentenced for leaving the child unattended to a three-month suspended sentence. The rescue went around the world because the action was filmed and counted millions of views. On May 28, 2018, President Emmanuel Macron received Mamoudou Gassama at the Elysée Palace to personally thank him for his act of courage. He presented him with the medal of honor for an act of courage and devotion and announced that he would soon have French nationality, while expressing the desire of the Paris fire department to welcome him. On June 4, 2018, he receives the Grand Vermeil medal from the mayor Anne Hidalgo. He obtained French nationality on September 12, 2018 and a ten-month contract with the Paris Fire Brigade.
Mamadou Gassama is for me a hero because he didn't think about the consequences for him but he only thought about the child's life before thinking about his own life and today he has been rewarded as he should be.