Sagot :
Bonjour !
Je ne peux répondre à ta question entièrement car le poster est de ton imagination !
Mais je peux te donner des idées ou même un slogan.
Ideas : If people pollute it's for his needs. Except that pollution leads to global warming (images), air quality pollution (images), catastrophic storms (images) causing severe destruction.
But that's not all !
Do you really want to throw your garbage away?
Do you really want the death of thousands of species and the disappearance of wildlife as well (images)?
I don't believe so.
So let's act against waste overpopulation.
Slogan : Every piece of plastic ever made still exist today !
Plant less plastic, plant more trees THINK BEFORE YOU TRASH IT !
J'espère que je t'ai aidé ! :)
Bonne journée