Bonjour je dois mettre ces phrases à la voix passives
Pouvez vous m aider
Merci beaucoup

2 Spanish was taught by ms mendez
3 she was helped by the teacher
4 the injured was taken to the hospital by the ambulance
5 the city was destroyed by an typhoon
6 the teacher was pleased by the girl's work
7 the building was damaged by an earthquake
8 you were taught Japanese by who?
9 the ticket will be given to you by the boss
10 the tiger was shot by the hunter
11 the door was opened by an old man
12 the stone was thrown by the boy
13 I was vexed by his behavior
14 a person's character gets revealed by his action.
Je ne suis pas tellement sure, mais j'espère que je t'ai aidé :)
Réponse :
1.An interesting book was written by him.
2.We are taught Spanish by Ms Mendez.
3.She was helped by the teacher.
4.The injured were taken to the hospital by the ambulance.
Attention : ( The injured ( nom pluriel ) = les blessés )
5.The city was destroyed by a typhoon.
6.The teacher was pleased with the girl’s work.
7.The building was damaged by the earthquake.
8. By whom were you taught Japanese?
9. You will be given a ticket by the boss.
10.The tiger was shot by the hunter.
11. The door was opened by an old woman.
12. The stone was thrown by the boy.
13. I am vexed by his behavior.
14. A person’s character is revealed by his/her actions.
Explications :
BE ( conjugué au temps de la voix active ) + Participe passé