Sagot :


Harlem, this admirable bambochade which sums up the school Flemish, Harlem painted by Jean-Breughel, Peeter-Neef, David-Téniers and Paul Rembrandt. And the canal where the blue water trembles, and the church where the golden glazing blazes, and the stoël * where the laundry dries in the sun, and the roofs, green with hops. And the storks that flap their wings around the clock of the city, stretching the pass from the air and receiving in their beak the drops of rain. And the carefree bourguemestre who strokes his hand her double chin, and the loving florist who is losing weight, the eye attached to a tulip. And the gypsy who swoons over her mandolin, and the old man playing Rommelpot **, and the swelling child a bladder. And the drinkers who smoke in the one-eyed tavern, and the hotel maid who hangs a dead pheasant.