Bonjour pouvez vous m'aider pour cette exercice s'il vous plait Merci

Réponse :
a. The government will not allow the demonstration.
The demonstration won't be allowed by the government.
b. People celebrated Mandela's 100th anniversary.
Mandela's 100th anniversary was celebrated by people.
c. They should voice their concerns using social media.
Their concerns should be voiced ( by them ) using social media.
d. People will never forget apatheid.
Apartheid will never be forgotten. ( by people )
e. Somebody told me what the students' protest was about.
I was told ( by somebody) what the students's protest was about.
Explications :
PASSIF = "BE" ( conjugué au temps de la voix active ) + PARTICIPE PASSÉ
Le complément d'agent introduit par "by" n'est pas toujours exprimé car sous- entendu.