Hello ! J''ai un chapitre sur "The Spooky Stories" et ma prof nous a demandé de tourner un film d'horreur qui dure 5 à 10 min. Mais je n'ai pas d'idée pour mon scénario et mon script... A l'aide SVP

Sagot :

Coucou :)

Donc, comme c'est en anglais je t'écris l'histoire en anglais. Pour les dialogues je les ferais mais après ce sera à toi d'améliorer ou de modifier à ton style et faire des petites améliorations ;)

The Ghost story:

Luke and me were together near our house speaking how the teachers made the exams because they were very hard this year!

I looked at Lucy, my best friend, and I saw in her beautiful green and blue eyes, a feeling who I never read in her eyes and who is called: the fear.

But she wasn't seeing me, she was seeing another person, another thing.

The problem is that, it was impossible because we were alone near our house, my parents were working and my brother was with his girlfriend in a party.

She began to scream and to cry; I never saw her like that.

I said:

"Why are you screaming... and.. crying, Lu- lucy?

She didn't answer me but then I felt a knife near my neck, I tried to scape but I can't.

I tried to see who was the person who wanted to kill us... I only saw a knife, and then I understand that it was a ghost and that only Lucy can see that ghost...

PS: Maintenant à toi de jouer et donc de faire de cette histoire un "happy end" ou un "bad end". Tu peux ajouter des petits mots par ci par là, plus de détails, et n'hésite pas que quand tu vas continuer ce texte de mettre des dialogues et mettre de l'intrigue et du suspens à l'histoire ;)

Bonne journée et bonnes vacances à toi (prends soin de toi) ^^