Bonjour Quelqu'un peut me faire? Write about your first day in college? Verbe en past tense and 15 lines

Sagot :

Réponse : J'ai fait ton "first day in college" en inventant...

My first day of college was a dream. For starters, I was walking in college, you know when you are waiting for your teacher and you are watching the place because the place's new to you. And suddenly I heard a loud laugh. It was a pretty teenager surrounded by many people who were complimenting her style of dress. I'd liked it too. Then she walked to me, greeted me and asked my name. Our conversation was like we were best friends. I felt very comfortable with her. We were both girls who spoke with open hearts. The bell rang, and our teacher came to take us and go to class. We were in the same class. How dreamy ! The teacher placed us in girl-boy-girl-boy system... And I was beside to a tanned boy with short curly degraded hair. WOW! I was immediately under the spell and as you think I was in love. Suddenly, a weird noise resounded in the room. It was the alarm clock of Cindy, one of my comrades, who was ringing. Cindy was the class clown. Yeah ! This was my first day of college. Kind of silly, no ?