Bonjour! je voudrais savoir si quelqu'un pourrait me faire la traduction de ce texte en anglais !! Ce serait GE-NIAL !! :) Merci d'avance! (cest niveau 3e) PS: vous pouvez changer quelques formulations de phrases si vous le souhaiter, étant donné que beaucoup de choses sont compliquées à traduire. Ce que je m'apprête à vous raconter est un cauchemar que je faisais très régulièrement étant petite, je vous laisse le découvrir ! Un beau jour de printemps, ma mère avait décidé de m'acheter une belle palette de peinture pour m'occuper. Elle s'était absenté l'après-midi et j'avais alors décidé de repeindre un mur de la maison avec la couleur bleu … En rentrant, elle m'avait fortement disputé et m'avait dis que j'allais être sévèrement punis! La journée passa et la nuit commençait à tomber. Un peu plus tard dans la soirée, je m'apperçu que la cabane de jardin était éclairé. Cela m'intriguait. Mes parents dormaient alors j'ai décidé d'aller voir ce qu'il s'y passait. Au moment même où je suis rentrée à l'intérieur, une trappe s'ouvrit sous mes pieds ! Quelques instants plus tard, j'étais allongé sur un lit. Au loin, je voyais ma mère s'approchait de moi, lorsque tout à coup elle se transforma en une horrible sorcière recouverte de pustules ! Elle me disait de la suivre ! Apeurée, je l'a suivi et elle me dit que pour me punir, je serai recouverte de peinture bleu sur les bras et le visage, les endroits les plus apparents. Elle fit un coup de baguette magique, et je me suis retrouvée devant le collège … Les gens me regardaient étrangement ...

Sagot :

Réponse :

What I am about to tell you is a nightmare that I had very regularly as a child, I let you discover it! One fine spring day, my mother had decided to buy me a beautiful palette of paint to keep me busy. She had gone away in the afternoon and I then decided to repaint a wall of the house with the color blue ... When I got home, she had strongly argued and told me that I was going to be severely punished! The day passed and the night began to fall. A little later in the evening, I noticed that the garden shed was lit. It intrigued me. My parents were sleeping so I decided to go see what was going on there. Just when I got inside, a hatch opened under my feet! Moments later, I was lying on a bed. In the distance, I saw my mother approaching me, when suddenly she turned into a horrible witch covered with pustules! She told me to follow her! Frightened, I followed her and she told me that to punish me, I would be covered with blue paint on my arms and face, the most visible places. She gave a magic wand, and I found myself in front of the college ... People looked at me strangely ...


Explications :


hello i will help you translate your text

What I am about to tell you is a nightmare that I had very regularly as a child, I let you discover it! One fine spring day, my mother had decided to buy me a beautiful palette of paint to keep me busy. She had gone away in the afternoon and I had then decided to repaint a wall of the house with the color blue ... When I got home, she had strongly argued and told me that I was going to be severely punished! The day passed and the night began to fall. A little later in the evening, I noticed that the garden shed was lit. It intrigued me. My parents were sleeping so I decided to go see what was going on there. Just when I got inside, a hatch opened under my feet! Moments later, I was lying on a bed. In the distance, I saw my mother approaching me, when suddenly she turned into a horrible witch covered with pustules! She told me to follow her! Frightened, I followed her and she told me that to punish me, I would be covered with blue paint on my arms and face, the most visible places. She gave a magic wand, and I found myself in front of the college ... People looked at me strangely ...