Bonjour voici un exemple, j'espère que j'ai pu t'aider. Bon courage!
Réponse :
-Hello! What can I do for you today miss/mister ...?
-Hello! I am here because I would like buy some gift for my family, they couldn't come to see me for christmas and I'd like to send them something even if they are stuck in France because of the covid-19. My mother likes reading and the irish culture so I'm pretty sure she could enjoy a book tracing the Ireland's history. For my little sister, that's easy, I would like to buy a figure of an elf. She loves the fairy side of the country. And for my father, to be honest I don't really know what to buy. He really likes sports and loves travel. Do you have something you would advice me to buy?
-Well, I think a subscription to my ant's sports and travel magazine might do the trick.
-Oh yes that's perfect ! So how much do I have to pay for the whole?
- The history book is 24.99 euros, the figure is 15.50 and the magazine subscription is 10 euros per month which gives you a total of 50.49 euros. You can come here to pay the subscription every month or send the monay by paypal.
- I'd rather pay by paypal the subscription and here's the money. Do you make gift wraps ?
- Thank you! And no I don't but Elizabeth of tabbaco store make them.
-Oh thank you. Have a nice day!
-Your welcome. Bye!